Pumpkin Patch....

We went a little crazy on photos at the Pumpkin Patch. Since we are bad about updating this at times. i thought it was better to splurge. that way people can't say there aren't any new pictures. Now there's enough for at least 3 days.... ;)

Sheree feels at home here. 
She grew up in a town where people drove alternative vehicles threw the town as transportation.

Yahoo... let's go! (notice how he has no hair on the sides of his head)...

Also he has bangs...

A little more room please!...

"Hey Kid. Want some candy?"

"Children of the Corn"

Where's the TV?? Isn't Oprah on soon! 
Sheree and Kyson love watching TV. 
If Sheree met a man named "TV" i'd be single again.
Let's hope!!!...LOL

Kyson has had about enough on photos at this point.

Yup. Sheree took this. it only took about 100 photos to get this one shot...

and this one...

Kyson wouldn't touch the pumpkins. He must have hated the texture on them.

Finally! He touched his first pumpkin.


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