GLAM GLAM GLAM...Continued


Some recent shots i did of Deacon. I did some of kyson, but he ran like the wind from me, so they didn't turn out very nice. More to come.


Yes, it has taken months if not a year or more since we last posted. I agree with you all. We are crappy at posting to this thing. Sheree and I have agreed to try to be better at it and that I will also take more photos of our kids lives.

I missed a few months of Kyson's and regret each month that goes by that I don't record his life. But I'm working on being better at it.

Either way. It's water under the bridge and I am now posting new images of Deacon Cole Phung. He was born on March 24th 2010 @ 10:54pm, weighs 7.4lbs and is 20.5 inches tall.

Here is a short video and a few images for your enjoyment.